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Ravi Malaviya, PhD (Univ of Lucknow)

Postdoctoral fellow (1992-1996)

Current Position: Senior Scientist

at Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Publications from the Abraham lab.

Contribution of mast cells to bacterial clearance and their proliferation during experimental cystitis induced by type 1 fimbriated E. coli.Malaviya R, Ikeda T, Abraham SN, Malaviya R.Immunol Lett. 2004 Feb 15;91(2-3):103-11.


Mast cell modulation of immune responses to bacteria.Malaviya R, Abraham SN.Immunol Rev. 2001 Feb;179:16-24.


Type 1 fimbriated Escherichia coli-mast cell interactions in cystitis.Abraham S, Shin J, Malaviya R.J Infect Dis. 2001 Mar 1;183 Suppl 1:S51-5.


Mast cell modulation of the innate immune response to enterobacterial infection.Abraham SN, Malaviya R.Adv Exp Med Biol. 2000;479:91-105.


Role of mast cell leukotrienes in neutrophil recruitment and bacterial clearance in infectious peritonitis.Malaviya R, Abraham SN.J Leukoc Biol. 2000 Jun;67(6):841-6.


The mast cell tumor necrosis factor alpha response to FimH-expressing Escherichia coli is mediated by the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored molecule CD48.Malaviya R, Gao Z, Thankavel K, van der Merwe PA, Abraham SN.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Jul 6;96(14):8110-5.


Clinical implications of mast cell-bacteria interaction.Malaviya R, Abraham SN.J Mol Med. 1998 Aug;76(9):617-23.


Survival of FimH-expressing enterobacteria in macrophages relies on glycolipid traffic.Baorto DM, Gao Z, Malaviya R, Dustin ML, van der Merwe A, Lublin DM, Abraham SN.Nature. 1997 Oct 9;389(6651):636-9.


Mast cells in infection and immunity.Abraham SN, Malaviya R.Infect Immun. 1997 Sep;65(9):3501-8.


Localization of a domain in the FimH adhesin of Escherichia coli type 1 fimbriae capable of receptor recognition and use of a domain-specific antibody to confer protection against experimental urinary tract infection.Thankavel K, Madison B, Ikeda T, Malaviya R, Shah AH, Arumugam PM, Abraham SN.J Clin Invest. 1997 Sep 1;100(5):1123-36.


Mast cells as modulators of host defense in the lung.Abraham SN, Thankavel K, Malaviya R.Front Biosci. 1997 Feb 15;2:d78-87.


Mast cell modulation of neutrophil influx and bacterial clearance at sites of infection through TNF- alpha.Malaviya R, Ikeda T, Ross E, Abraham SN.Nature. 1996 May 2;381(6577):77-80.


Mast cells process bacterial Ags through a phagocytic route for class I MHC presentation to T cells.Malaviya R, Twesten NJ, Ross EA, Abraham SN, Pfeifer JD.J Immunol. 1996 Feb 15;156(4):1490-6.


Bacteria--Mast Cell Interactions in Inflammatory Disease.Malaviya R, Ikeda T, Ross EA, Jakschik BA, Abraham SN.Am J Ther. 1995 Oct;2(10):787-792.


Interaction of bacteria with mast cells.Malaviya R, Abraham SN.Methods Enzymol. 1995;253:27-43.


The PapG tip adhesin of P fimbriae protects Escherichia coli from neutrophil bactericidal activity.Tewari R, Ikeda T, Malaviya R, MacGregor JI, Little JR, Hultgren SJ, Abraham SN.Infect Immun. 1994 Dec;62(12):5296-304.


Mast cell degranulation induced by type 1 fimbriated Escherichia coli in mice.Malaviya R, Ross E, Jakschik BA, Abraham SN.J Clin Invest. 1994 Apr;93(4):1645-53.


Mast cell phagocytosis of FimH-expressing enterobacteria.Malaviya R, Ross EA, MacGregor JI, Ikeda T, Little JR, Jakschik BA, Abraham SN.J Immunol. 1994 Feb 15;152(4):1907-14.

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