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Selected Publications (out of 178 Peer Reviewed articles)


Arifuzzaman M, Mobley YR, Choi HW, Bist P, Salinas CA, Brown ZD, Chen SL, Staats HF, Abraham SN (2019). MRGPR-mediated activation of local mast cells clears cutaneous bacterial infection and protects against reinfection. Science Advances. 2019 Jan 2;5(1):eaav0216.


Choi HW, Suwanpradid J, Kim IH, Staats HF, Haniffa M, MacLeod AS, Abraham SN (2018). Perivascular dendritic cells elicit anaphylaxis by relaying allergens to mast cells via microvesicles. Science. 2018 Nov 9;362(6415). pii: eaao0666.


Arifuzzaman M, Ang WXG, Choi HW, Nilles ML, St John AL, Abraham SN (2018). Necroptosis of infiltrated macrophages drives Yersinia pestis dispersal within buboes. JCI Insight. 2018 Sep 20;3(18). pii: 122188.


St John AL, Ang WXG, Rathore APS, Abraham SN (2018). Reprograming immunity to food allergens. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 May;141(5):1936-1939.e2.


Miao Y, Bist P, Wu J, Zhao Q, Li QJ, Wan Y, Abraham SN (2017). Collaboration between Distinct Rab Small GTPase Trafficking Circuits Mediates Bacterial Clearance from the Bladder Epithelium. Cell Host Microbe. 2017 Sep 13;22(3):330-342.e4


Choi, H. W., Bowen, S. E., Miao, Y., Chan, C. Y., Miao, E. A., Abrink, M., ... & Abraham, S. N. (2016). Loss of Bladder Epithelium Induced by Cytolytic Mast Cell Granules. Immunity.2016 Dec 20;45(6):1258-1269.


Ang, W. G., Church, A. M., Kulis, M., Choi, H. W., Burks, A. W., & Abraham, S. N. (2016). Mast cell desensitization inhibits calcium flux and aberrantly remodels actin. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126(11), 4103.


Karhausen, J., & Abraham, S. N. (2016). How mast cells make decisions. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126(10), 3735.


Chan, K. R., Wang, X., Saron, W. A., Gan, E. S., Tan, H. C., Mok, D. Z., ... & Ghosh, S. (2016). Cross-reactive antibodies enhance live attenuated virus infection for increased immunogenicity. Nature Microbiology, 1, 16164.


Miao, Y., Wu, J., & Abraham, S. N. (2016). Ubiquitination of innate immune regulator TRAF3 orchestrates expulsion of intracellular bacteria by exocyst complex. Immunity, 45(1), 94-105.


Abraham SN, Miao Y (2015). The nature of immune responses to urinary tract infections. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2015 Oct;15(10):655-63


Miao Y, Li G, Zhang X, Xu H, Abraham SN (2015). A TRP Channel Senses Lysosome Neutralization by Pathogens to Trigger Their Expulsion. Cell. 2015 Jun 4;161(6):1306-19.


St John AL, Ang WX, Huang MN, Kunder CA, Chan EW, Gunn MD, Abraham SN (2014). S1P-Dependent trafficking of intracellular yersinia pestis through lymph nodes establishes Buboes and systemic infection. Immunity. 2014 Sep 18;41(3):440-50.


Choi HW, Brooking-Dixon R, Neupane S, Lee CJ, Miao EA, Staats HF, Abraham SN (2013).Salmonella typhimurium impedes innate immunity with a mast-cell-suppressing protein tyrosine phosphatase, SptP. Immunity. 2013 Dec 12;39(6):1108-20


St John AL, Rathore AP, Raghavan B, Ng ML, Abraham SN (2013). Contributions of mast cells and vasoactive products, leukotrienes and chymase, to dengue virus-induced vascular leakage. eLife. 2013 Apr 30;2:e00481.


Karhausen J, Qing M, Gibson A, Moeser AJ, Griefingholt H, Hale LP, Abraham SN, Mackensen GB (2013). Intestinal mast cells mediate gut injury and systemic inflammation in a rat model of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Crit Care Med. 2013 Sep;41(9):e200-10


Chan CY, St John AL, Abraham SN (2013). Mast cell interleukin-10 drives localized tolerance in chronic bladder infection. Immunity. 2013 Feb 21;38(2):349-59.


St John AL, Chan CY, Staats HF, Leong KW, Abraham SN (2012). Synthetic mast-cell granules as adjuvants to promote and polarize immunity in lymph nodes. Nature Materials. 2012 Jan 22;11(3):250-7. 


St John AL, Rathore AP, Yap H, Ng ML, Metcalfe DD, Vasudevan SG, Abraham SN (2011). Immune surveillance by mast cells during dengue infection promotes natural killer (NK) and NKT-cell recruitment and viral clearance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 May 31;108(22):9190-5


Abraham SN, St John AL (2010). Mast cell-orchestrated immunity to pathogens. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2010 Jun;10(6):440-52.


St John AL, Abraham SN (2009). Salmonella disrupts lymph node architecture by TLR4-mediated suppression of homeostatic chemokines. Nature Medicine. 2009 Nov;15(11):1259-65.


Shelburne CP, Nakano H, St John AL, Chan C, McLachlan JB, Gunn MD, Staats HF, Abraham SN (2009). Mast cells augment adaptive immunity by orchestrating dendritic cell trafficking through infected tissues. Cell Host Microbe. 2009 Oct 22;6(4):331-42.


Kunder CA, St John AL, Li G, Leong KW, Berwin B, Staats HF, Abraham SN (2009). Mast cell-derived particles deliver peripheral signals to remote lymph nodes. J Exp Med. 2009 Oct 26;206(11):2455-67.


Song J, Bishop BL, Li G, Grady R, Stapleton A, Abraham SN (2009). TLR4-mediated expulsion of bacteria from infected bladder epithelial cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Sep 1;106(35):14966-71.


McLachlan JB, Shelburne CP, Hart JP, Pizzo SV, Goyal R, Brooking-Dixon R, Staats HF, Abraham SN (2008). Mast cell activators: a new class of highly effective vaccine adjuvants. Nature Medicine. 2008 May;14(5):536-41.


Song J, Bishop BL, Li G, Duncan MJ, Abraham SN (2007). TLR4-initiated and cAMP-mediated abrogation of bacterial invasion of the bladder.Cell Host Microbe. 2007 Jun 14;1(4):287-98.


Song J, Duncan MJ, Li G, Chan C, Grady R, Stapleton A, Abraham SN (2007). A novel TLR4-mediated signaling pathway leading to IL-6 responses in human bladder epithelial cells. PLoS Pathog. 2007 Apr;3(4):e60.


Bishop BL, Duncan MJ, Song J, Li G, Zaas D, Abraham SN (2007). Cyclic AMP-regulated exocytosis of Escherichia coli from infected bladder epithelial cells. Nature Medicine. 2007 May;13(5):625-30. 


McLachlan JB, Hart JP, Pizzo SV, Shelburne CP, Staats HF, Gunn MD, Abraham SN (2003). Mast cell-derived tumor necrosis factor induces hypertrophy of draining lymph nodes during infection. Nature Immunology. 2003 Dec;4(12):1199-205. 


Shin JS, Gao Z, Abraham SN (2000). Involvement of cellular caveolae in bacterial entry into mast cells. Science. 2000 Aug 4;289(5480):785-8.


Malaviya R, Gao Z, Thankavel K, van der Merwe PA, Abraham SN (1999). The mast cell tumor necrosis factor alpha response to FimH-expressing Escherichia coli is mediated by the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored molecule CD48. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Jul 6;96(14):8110-5.


Baorto DM, Gao Z, Malaviya R, Dustin ML, van der Merwe A, Lublin DM, Abraham SN (1997). Survival of FimH-expressing enterobacteria in macrophages relies on glycolipid traffic. Nature. 1997 Oct 9;389(6651):636-9.


Thankavel K, Madison B, Ikeda T, Malaviya R, Shah AH, Arumugam PM, Abraham SN (1997). Localization of a domain in the FimH adhesin of Escherichia coli type 1 fimbriae capable of receptor recognition and use of a domain-specific antibody to confer protection against experimental urinary tract infection. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1997 Sep 1;100(5):1123-36.


Malaviya R, Ikeda T, Ross E, Abraham SN (1996). Mast cell modulation of neutrophil influx and bacterial clearance at sites of infection through TNF-alpha. Nature. 1996 May 2;381(6577):77-80.

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